In collaboration with 500 Women Scientists, Deb co-facilitated the workshop on equity in geoscience that lead to the final publication that was co-written in design meetings with 500 Women Scientists, Earth Science Women's Network, Aspen Global Change Institute and the American Geophysical Union.
This publication came out of a collaboratively designed and facilitated workshop on equity in the geoscience in 2018. The group of scientists and organizations from a wide variety of leadership roles was supported by the Aspen Global Change Institute to work and think together about what would best foster improved equity and justice across diverse science spaces.
- 500 Women Scientists
- Earth Science Women's Network
- Aspen Global Change Institute
- American Geophysical Union
CLEAR Team Members:
- Deb L. Morrison, Author and Co-facilitator
Related Resources:
Arnott, J., Bain, H., Barnes, R., Baron, J., Dutt, K., Gay-Antaki, M., Haacker, R., Lauer, R.J., Morris, A., Morrison, D., Nunez, A., Pendergrass, A., Steltzer, H., Thompson, L., & Zelikova, J. (2019). Inclusive scientific meetings: Where to start. 500 Women Scientists.
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to Strengthen the Geoscience Community (WS19), with Kuheli Dutt, Sharon Cooper & Heidi Steltzer. Co-designed and facilitated workshop at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting to support higher education scientists and science educators in issues of equity, diversity and justice. Held in Washington, DC, USA, Dec. 10-14, 2018. Retrieve from https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm18/meetingapp.cgi/Session/54775
Exploring Bias. Workshop session at Being the “change” in global change science: Promoting a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion by the Aspen Global Change Institute – in collaboration with 500 Women Scientists and Earth Science Women’s Network. Held in Boulder, CO, USA, on May 5-6, 2018. https://www.agci.org/event/18s1